Case study


Responsive Website

preview of 'Bouquet Boutique' on desktop and mobile applications

Project Overview

The Product

Following ‘Flower Shoppe’ the flower ordering and delivering mobile app I designed, I chose to make responsive web designs with the same theme, creating the website ‘Bouquet Boutique’.
View 'Flower Shoppe' Case Study

Project Duration

October 2023

My Role

Lead UX Designer in the creation of the responsive website, ‘Bouquet Boutique’ from concept to hand off to developers and engineers.

My Responsibilities

Designing paper and digital wireframes, creating low and high fidelity prototypes, developing mockups, accounting for accessibility and iterating on designs.

Starting The Design


I wanted all aspects of the website to be accessible from all pages of the website, so I implemented a navigation bar at the top of the page allowing access to each respective page of the site.

Preview of Sitemap for 'Bouquet Boutique'
Paper Wireframes

‘Search Page’ - I wanted the search page to have two distinct sections, a section of bouquets and a smallers section at the bottom for extras. I thought it was necessary for the page to have a search function as well as a an option for users to select from themes.

‘Search Page’ - Rapid Sketching

'Bouquet Boutique' - desktop - search page - paper wireframe - rapid sketching - 1 'Bouquet Boutique' - desktop - search page - paper wireframe - rapid sketching - 2 'Bouquet Boutique' - desktop - search page - paper wireframe - rapid sketching - 3
Screen size variations

‘Search Page’ - I designed the final page for the search page and created a rough tablet size and phone size respectively to show the layout on different screen sizes

'Search Page' - Final

'Bouquet Boutique' - search page - paper wireframe - final
Digital Wireframes

The Homepage is designed to be clear and easy for users to browse, following recommendations of a simpler homepage design and the main action of the site (purchasing flowers) closer to the top of the page. There is a navigation bar at the top of the page as well as a bottom bar. The homepage features a hero image at the top with a short description about ‘Bouquet Boutique’, this is followed by a few featured bouquets with a see more button leading to the bouquet catalogue and finally a blog post carousel at the bottom.

The blog is on a rotating carousel but users can also move between posts with the side arrows
'Bouquet Boutique' - desktop - homepage - digital wireframe
Large settings icon with text allows users to easily identify the setting on the page
Homepage - Screen Size Variation

The homepage of the website on a mobile phone has been modified to accommodate for the smaller screen size. A hamburger menu has been used, and the description of ‘Bouquet Boutique’ has been moved off the hero image so the text size is visible. Furthermore the featured bar as well as the blog post section have both been converted to horizontal scrollers, taking up less space on the screen and creating a less cluttered layout.

A hamburger menu pop-up bar has been implemented to reduce the amount of text in the navigation bar and footer of the page
'Bouquet Boutique' - mobile - homepage - digitial wireframe
The ‘Featured’ section has been compressed to 3 wide in a scroller format with the ‘See More’ button being moved to the end of the scroller
Low-Fidelity Prototype

The low-fidelity prototype allows the user to go through the process of ordering flowers with the options of pick-up or delivery.

'Bouquet Boutique' - low-fidelity prototype - 1 'Bouquet Boutique' - low-fidelity prototype - 2

Refining The Design

Delivery Page

Early designs showed the blog at the top of the home page, with the ‘Catalogue’ and ‘Build A Bouquet’ buttons further down. These key buttons were moved to the top of the page, with the ‘Catalogue’ button being made larger with a bigger font so customers will see this button first.

'Bouquet Boutique' - delivery page - digital wireframe
'Bouquet Boutique' - delivery page - mockup
Build-A-Bouquet - Theme Selected Page

The layout of the page originally presented the themes in a scrolling bar row with the selected theme highlighted, however testing indicated that users were confused as to which theme was selected as the highlight wasn’t obvious. I modified the page so that the selected theme was moved to the centre, with all other themes removed and made larger. The theme can easily be unselected or changed by either clicking the back arrow at the top of the page or by clicking on the selected theme’s image to unselect it.

'Bouquet Boutique' - build-a-bouquet theme selected page - digital wireframe
'Bouquet Boutique' - build-a-bouquet theme selected page - mockup
More Key Mockups
Desktop Website
'Bouquet Boutique - Desktop - Homepage - Mockup
'Bouquet Boutique - Desktop - build-a-bouquet - Mockup
'Bouquet Boutique - Desktop - item page - Mockup
'Bouquet Boutique - Desktop - Payment Delivery - Mockup
Mobile Website
'Bouquet Boutique - Mobile - Homepage - Mockup 'Bouquet Boutique - Mobile - build-a-bouquet - Mockup - 1 'Bouquet Boutique - Mobile - build-a-bouquet - Mockup - 2 'Bouquet Boutique - Mobile - item page - Mockup 'Bouquet Boutique - Mobile - Payment Delivery - Mockup
High-Fidelity Prototype

The final high-fidelity prototype includes images and prompts that allow the user to experience a close to final design of the website without misunderstanding as to what buttons have what function (e.g. drop-downs, selected/unselected).

'Bouquet Boutique' - desktop - high fidelity prototype - 1 'Bouquet Boutique' - desktop - high fidelity prototype - 2
Accessibility Considerations
  • 1
    The ‘Settings’ icon as well as its title is located at the bottom of the desktop website, allowing easy access and understandability on how to access the setting page.
  • 2
    The colours chosen for text have been tested and pass the WCAG AA standards.
  • 3
    All call-to-action buttons are the same height and shape and have been highlighted using the same HEX #BD00FF so that users know they have a similar function.

Going Forward


The website allows users to determine the ethics of ‘Bouquet Boutique’ and personalise their own creations by creating an account, saving addresses, favouriting and designing their own bouquets.

What I Learned

I learned that often multiple pages are needed to be developed of simple actions in order to create a smooth user flow and to ensure usability of different buttons.

Next Steps
  • 1
    Conduct further usability studies to ensure pain points have been sufficiently met and no new pain points arise.
  • 2
    Complete other pages of the website to ensure a complete website is developed before the site is launched.
  • 3
    Scale down certain elements of pages to ensure they fit above the fold on desktop screens where possible to create a better user experience.
Thank you for taking the time to review my case study for 'Bouquet Boutique'.
This is my second project I have completed towards achieving my UX Design certificate, and is the first time I have learnt about, and created a responsive web design.
I would like to disclaim that this is not a real website, company or application. Photos and icons used within the prototypes are not my own and have been used only for the case of this project.
This code is open-sourced on Github and hosted on Netlify